Top Benefits of Face Mask

Top Benefits of Face Mask

Face mask can have all kinds of benefits for your skin, we want to share the top benefits of using a face mask with you today!!🎭✨🙌

> Unclog pores - Masks are an incredible remedy for oily and acne prone skin, mask works kind of like an adhesive for dirt and oil. After application of a mask, you will feel your face tighten as the mask dries. As the mask dries it "soaks" up the skins natural oils and anything clogging the pores and draws it to the surface.

> Detoxify skin - Face mask has incredible, natural detoxification properties. It has a strong charge which binds to negatively charged toxins and pulls them from the skin.

> Oxygenates Cells - Face mask helps to remove hydrogen from the skin cells. This allows more room for oxygen to enter your skin's tissue. This creates improved circulation, rejuvenation of cells and overall healthier skin.

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