Are you detoxifying your pores?


Are you detoxifying your pores?! 

If you're using oils moisturizers and serums, that's great, BUT sometimes that can lead to clogged pores & breakouts, so while daily moisturizing is key to healthy skin, exfoliating and detoxing your skin at least twice a week with a facial mask like this will help prevent your pores from getting clogged & keep your complexions clear and healthy. 

Naam Detoxifying Mask penetrates deep down into the pores to remove impurities, even skin tone & reduces the appearance of blemishes, dark spots, acne and acne scars.

It is made with earth's finest high mineral clay, as well as soothing rice powder to tame inflammation & redness, and sandalwood extract & turmeric extract to fight aging. Its safe for all skin type! 🙌🌿😍

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