


Boswellia carterii, commonly known as Frankincense, is derived from the milky white sap that is secreted by the Frankincense tree. After the tree’s sap droplets are allowed to dry and harden into tear-shapes on the tree over the course of a few days, they are finally scraped off to be made into an essential oil.

The Boswellia tree is native to regions such as Africa and the southern Arabian Peninsula. The earliest and best-known source of Frankincense is the country of Oman, which has shipped this fragrant resin to regions like the Mediterranean, India, and China for thousands of years. The name of the tree comes from the term “franc encens,” which is French for “high-quality incense.” “Franc” is known to mean “pure” while “encens” comes from a word that means “to burn.” It was thus considered a “pure incense” and the most desirable of all the other types of incense. Its potent aroma can be described as woody, earthy, and spicy with a fruity nuance. For some, its scent is comparable to that of licorice.

The history of Frankincense usage has Medieval roots and is closely linked with being burned in sacred places and religious rituals, as it was valued for its powerful aroma and the white smoke it exuded when burned. It was also used in perfume, cosmetics such as eyeliner, salves, and Egyptian mummification methods. Today, there are still daily uses for Frankincense in many cultures, namely Somali, Ethiopian, Arabian, and Indian cultures. It is believed that its fragrance will bring good health, cleanse the home, and purify clothing. In Ayurvedic medicine, Frankincense is referred to as “dhoop” and is used to heal wounds, relieve arthritis, balance hormones in females, and to purify the air.

Benefits of Frankincense

Skin Conditioner

Usage of Frankincense floral water can act as skin conditioner if used externally. Regular use of this natural conditioner can leave your skin soft and smooth.

Scar Reduction

A blemish free skin is a dream for many. Frankincense can help in fading away acne, surgery marks, stretch marks and other types of scars from the skin, making your dream a reality.

Regeneration Of Skin

Frankincense can reduce wrinkles and fine lines by regenerating healthy skin cells. The use of this sap can keep you looking as young as feel in your heart! This is considered to be the best Frankincense skin care benefit.


Frankincense, being a disinfectant, can be used to clean wounds or cuts, making way for quicker healing without leaving scars behind.

Cures Warts

Application of frankincense to warts twice a day for a couple of weeks can show gradual cure.

Insect Bites

A drop of frankincense oil has the ability to reduce the swelling caused due to insect bites. It also helps in quicker healing.

Products with Frankincense

Charcoal Face Soap